Hola Starlovers!
Hoy en nuestra sección "Enjoy the little things!" os dejamos un capricho dulce para acompañar vuestros cafés y que vuestros invitados queden encantados! Los pop cakes están de moda y son muy fáciles de preparar, son pastelitos de bizcocho con diferentes coberturas y diseños pero siempre se presentan en forma de piruleta, con un palito.
En el siguiente video explicativo os enseñar cómo hacer unos pop cakes: http://mimundo.philips.es/receta-de-cake-pops-de-chocolate-para-acompanar-un-cappuccino/
Nosotras este finde vamos a probar que tal nos sale la receta, ya os contaremos!
Fuente: http://mimundo.philips.es/receta-de-cake-pops-de-chocolate-para-acompanar-un-cappuccino/ |
Fuente: http://mimundo.philips.es/receta-de-cake-pops-de-chocolate-para-acompanar-un-cappuccino/
Hi Starlovers!
Today in "Enjoy the little things!" we show you a sweet delicacy to accompany your coffee, your guests will be delighted! The pop cakes are trendy cakes and they are easy to prepare, they are sponge cakes with different toppings and designs but always presented as a lollipop, with a stick.
In the following video you can learn how to make pop cakes: http://mimundo.philips.es/receta-de-cake-pops-de-chocolate-para-acompanar-un-cappuccino/
This weekend we are going to try the recipe, we will tell you the results!!
In the following video you can learn how to make pop cakes: http://mimundo.philips.es/receta-de-cake-pops-de-chocolate-para-acompanar-un-cappuccino/
This weekend we are going to try the recipe, we will tell you the results!!
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